Lifestyle,  Wellness

One Simple Practice That Will Change Your Life

For a 19-year-old girl, I have read an excessive amount of self-help books in my life.


I think I have an addiction.

Nothing makes me feel like less of an outsider, living in her self-constructed bubble of worries and doubts, than someone sharing how they’ve overcome their own struggles and are now living an amazing, wonderful, make-you-jealous life. The cheesy quotes and rah-rah motivation is apparently just what I need.

If you’re already familiar with who I am, you know that I have struggled with mental health issues for the past few years. Depression, anxiety, self-doubt, perfectionism… you name it.

And although depression sucks (and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone in the world), it has lead me to the wonderful words of many self-help professionals and inspiring, bad-ass people. Without my struggles, I would not know the things I know and be the person I am today.

As of this exact moment in my life, I can proudly say that I am not depressed. Anxiety is almost non-existent. I am the happiest I can remember being in a long time. It’s all because of a simple mindset change that has shown to be effective for me in the past, yet I am now just realizing it’s true power.

Are you ready for it?


Appreciation for being alive in this exact moment in time is the core theme to almost every self-help book on my shelf. It is such a simple habit that we selfishly forget about amongst the chaos that is our daily lives.

However, gratitude helps you to slow that chaos and focus on what’s right in front of you. Taking the time to thank the Universe for all of the little things we experience not only helps us notice them, but it tells the Universe you’re open to receiving more good things.

When I say “Universe”, I’m referring to any higher power that you believe in. Be it God, The Holy Spirit, The Force, The Vibe, Mother Nature – whatever it is, you are a smaller part to it’s whole and you work together by transferring energy.

The best part is that expressing gratitude is stupidly easy. All you have to do is say “thank you” for every good experience presented to you. Made an extra delicious cup of coffee this morning? Thank the Universe. Found five dollars in an old coat pocket? Thank the Universe. Did someone compliment your outfit? Thank the Universe. Put out positive energy whenever something good happens to you, no matter how small it may seem, because the Universe will notice your good energy and give you more of it.

The habit of expressing gratitude also helps you to notice all the little moments that make up your day that you would otherwise overlook. We tend to zip through our lives on autopilot mode, having each day blend into the next, and can feel like we “didn’t even do anything” simply because we haven’t taken the time to notice those special little experiences. Expressing gratitude can make your days more meaningful and fulfilling.

For this practice to be effective though you have to be appreciative of all of the not-so-good moments too. These moments are annoying, stressful, or even burdening while occurring, but I promise that the Universe is only putting you through them to gain something positive in the end. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, so find out what message is trying to be sent to you with every “bad” experience.

Holding onto pain and suffering will only bring about more of it, just as putting out positive energy and thoughts will attract those alike.

Begin your new practice by writing down a list of all the things in your life that you’re grateful for, then add to that list as newly formed appreciations arise each day. You only have one life to live, so you might as well spend it focusing on all the amazing moments it is full of rather than dwelling on the inconveniences.

Let me know your thoughts about practicing gratitude in the comments. Is it already a part of your life? Have you ever considered it as a habit before? Does it sound like something you can start doing?

Share this article with someone you think can benefit from it – we can always use more positive-minded people on this planet. I wish you all the best of luck! Lots of love,


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