About Me


Hi! I’m Reese Regan (pronounced ree-gan).

With the never-ending pressures of school, society, and social media, being a young woman without a clear path in life is hard. It’s easy to feel the need to be extraordinary at something in order for your life to have a purpose. However, I wanted to break my negative thought patterns and perfectionism, and learn to be okay with being average.

So, I’ve created Basically Reese to share what I learn on this messy journey called life. Here, I hope to provide practical advice and tips for the average girl on topics such as school, wellness, mental health, and self-love, while also inspiring them to go for their dreams despite how normal they think they are.

Essentially, every post that is written to you, is also written to me. I’m still building my own confidence and trying to find my path. Join me, and we can figure it all out together!


Growing up, I fit into a pretty average portion of society – middle class, public schooling, South Jersey native – but knew that I had something more to offer. My relentless curiosity and need to find meaning in life has lead me on a quest to learn the most that I possibly can. I wanted to share my observations with others.

However, when I entered high school, I quickly developed some major social anxiety and depression that followed me for over 8 years. These times were dark and lonely, and many days I didn’t think I would be able to handle much more. Yet, there was some voice within me that knew this wasn’t where my life was supposed to end. All of this pain was meant to be used for something good.

2021 Update: I can confidently say that I no longer suffer from depression!! Somehow, amidst the pandemic, I have found ways to heal myself and evolve into a version of me that is happy, healthy, and aligned with their path. Of course, I intend to share that journey with all of you.

So, like any 21st-century teenager, I turned to the internet.

I created a YouTube channel in 2014 because I admired the simple girls like me who posted about their everyday lives, makeup favorites, outfits, school advice, and so on. It felt like they could be my friends. And if they could do it, why couldn’t I?

I got a camera for Christmas, taught myself how to edit on Windows Movie Maker (yikes, I know), and began to upload videos. It was much easier for me to talk to a camera in the comfort of my room than to face the anxiety of talking directly to others. And so my online presence began.

2021 Update: The first channel I created reached over 400,000 subscribers. However, I recently moved on to a new channel, “basicallyreese”, because I found that the original one was no longer reflective of who I’ve become. Although I still believe the content on it is helpful and entertaining, it was made during my “dark times” and I wanted a fresh start.

Nothing fulfills me more than to get messages from others saying how I’ve made them feel less alone with their mental health issues, helped them do better in school, or have been an inspiration in their lives. If I can make just one person feel better, I have done my job.


Alright, I’ve given you all the motivational stuff, but who is Reese?

I recently made the decision to leave college – I could say it was a tough one, but I knew in my heart that it wasn’t for me (at least right now). I’m currently working hard at being a full-time creative: YouTuber, Blogger, and Digital Artist. It’s scary at times, but I also know it’s what I’m meant for!

One of the defining characteristics about me (at least in my opinion) is that I’m vegan! I became vegan in August of 2016 and it has been one of the best decisions of my life. I feel more intentional about how I live and better connected to the earth. Veganism has lead me to become more environmentally friendly and I’m currently on the journey to becoming low/zero-waste.

My favorite role is being a dog mom to my Boston Terrier, Zoë. Dogs have always been a ray of sunshine no matter how low my life currently was. Sometimes I think I like them more than humans (oops). I have two family dogs, Rocky and Willow, but I wanted a pup to call my own and take with me to the future. She is my little angel and makes me beyond happy.

If you want to stay connected, follow my social media and subscribe to my blog’s mailing list – all links are down below! I wish you all the best of luck and lots of love on your journeys through life.