
How To Reach Your Goals This Month

I’m super excited to announce a new project I’ve started for the month of November…

*drumroll please*

#goalvember logo

Starting November, I wanted to really focus in on my goals and make it my main priority to work towards achieving them. Then I thought, why don’t I bring you all on this journey with me?

I know how hard it can be to stay motivated during this time of the year – schools are having their finals, the holiday season is approaching, and we’re all feeling worn out and ready for the new year.

I wanted to face this “fall funk” head-on by creating #goalvember in order to motivate both myself and all of you. I’m hoping to be that extra shot of espresso in your coffee that’s going to rev you up enough to get to work. 

If you’re ready to start kicking-ass and being all the #girlbosses (or #boybosses) that I know you are, then let’s get started:

how to reach your goals this month pinterest graphic

Clean Your Space

succulent on hardwood floor

Your external environment can greatly affect how you’re feeling on the inside. A messy, cluttered, disorganized room is only a reflection of a messy, cluttered, disorganized mind.

Take a good 30 minutes to an hour to really clean your space – whether that be your room, your desk, an office, etc. – because this is where your goal-achieving is going to happen.

Make the area feel inviting to work in so your brain knows that it’s time to get to work whenever you set foot in it. Wipe down surfaces, organize your drawers, light a candle – do whatever it takes to *set the mood*.

P.S: Keep this space clean! Tidy up after each work-sesh to have it ready for the next day.

Get a Notebook

Although I am a lover of all-things-tech, I’m also a huge believer in good ol‘ pen and paper. I think that writing things down makes them feel more legitimate and substantial… or is that just me?

notebooks and pens on white table

For this #goalvember, I recommended you get a notebook to keep track of your goals, progress, and thoughts throughout the month. If you’re already using a daily notebook or bullet journal, great! Just make a new section that’s dedicated to #goalvember.

This notebook is simply to be used to keep your brain organized and stay on track with your goals. It doesn’t have to be an artistic masterpiece that you can frame later (unless you want it to be), just straightforward journaling will work.

I will be sharing with you across my social media channels how I will be using my notebook(s) for this #goalvember, so make sure to follow me there!

Write Your Goals

Before we get into the heavy-lifting, you first have to figure out what your goals are.

I would recommend focusing on no more than three main goals at a time, otherwise, you may start to feel overwhelmed and won’t be able to dedicate your full attention to each of them.

So, grab a pen and write down your goals big and proud on the first page of your notebook. This way you’ll be constantly reminded of them whenever you open it up.

notebook with vision board
Here’s a goal page I made in one of my notebooks!

The key to achieving your goals is making them specific, so stray away from terms like “be healthy” or “practice piano“. These are too broad. Think about how you’re going to do these things and focus on making habits that will lead you to your overall goal.

For example:

I want to be healthier.
How will I be healthier?
I will work out more.
What habit can I create to do this?
I will work out 4 days a week for 1 hour.

See? Simple!

By creating custom habits for each of your goals you establish a clear path and keep yourself accountable to achieve them.

If you all are ready to get motivated this month and crush your goals, make sure you follow along with #goalvember across my social media! Want to get started? Here’s some Instagram story templates you can post to join the fam:

I wish you all the best of luck this month! Lots of love,


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