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School + Study,  Wellness

How to Stay Healthy in College

I’ll be the first one to admit it – it’s really hard to be healthy in college. You’re on a meal plan and limited to what the school provides you with, on a tight budget and healthy food seems too expensive, or just too busy with studies that you don’t think about eating until it’s 9 pm and the easiest option is Chick-fil-a. All are legitimate reasons.

So, today I’m being your friend-that-is-also-your-mom to remind you to make healthy choices and treat your body right. The “freshman 15” is real y’all, and I want to help you avoid it. Here are my tips on how to stay healthy in college:

If You’re On a Meal-Plan

Being on a meal-plan means that what you eat every day is decided by the school. All colleges will serve different food depending on their size and budget, so I can’t speak for everyone. However, there are some ways to navigate the dining halls to find the healthiest options available.


I actually find breakfast the easiest to eat healthily! My go-to is oatmeal (with some cinnamon, brown sugar, and banana) and a big helping of fruit on the side. If you’re not vegan, then an omelet or fruit and yogurt are also good options. Just avoid sugary pastries like pop-tarts and donuts, or large portions of greasy bacon, on the daily.

Lunch + Dinner

My rule for any meal is to have around ⅓ of my plate be either fruits or vegetables. So, when roaming around the dining hall, find some veggies that look good and load up your plate. Then, find whatever main dish seems the healthiest (aka not deep-fried or covered in cheese lol). With the final ⅓ of your plate, add a healthy grain like rice or whole-grain pasta.

Avoid Soda

Those fancy touch-screen drink dispensers with 20 different types of soda are tempting, but I’m telling you now to stay clear of them. Soda is extremely unhealthy as it’s full of sugar, empty calories, and bad for your teeth. Yes, it’s good – but that’s because it’s addicting!

Drinking soda with every meal can add hundreds of extra calories to your day. The same goes for sugary fruit juices and teas. Swap your soda for water!

Watch Your Portions

Because the dining hall is essentially a giant buffet, it’s easy to pile heaps of food onto your plate or go back for seconds. Always serve yourself a little less than you think you need to avoid over-eating or wasting food. If you’re still hungry, then get some more!

✰ Reminder: Being “healthy” also includes your mental health. Read about managing your mental health in school here. ✰

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If You Make Your Own Food

Although making your own food allows you to control what you eat, there are still challenges such as budgeting and meal-prepping.

Plan Your Meals

Planning exactly what meals you’re going to make helps prevent wasting food and spending money to eat out (when you don’t know what to eat at home). Find recipes that are easy to make, can be made in large batches, and last a few days in the fridge.

Prepping the ingredients for 2-3 easy meals at the beginning of the week allows you to easily put together a meal, heat it up, and enjoy! I personally like to chop up everything for a salad and prepare a few Tupperware containers (with the dressing separate), cook a few cups of rice or quinoa to use as the base of meals, and pre-cut fruits and vegetables to eat as snacks.

Pack Healthy Snacks

Always, always, always be prepared with a healthy snack in your backpack! Whether it’s a granola bar or fruit, having something to hold you over between meals can be a life-saver. You never know if you’ll get home late for dinner or miss breakfast because you woke up late!

Other Tips

✰ Don’t tell yourself that you CAN’T have certain food – you can have it all, but you CHOOSE to eat the healthier items. The “can’t” mindset makes you feel restricted. The “can” mindset provides you with unlimited options where you then choose the healthier ones.

✰ Eating socially is huge in college. Still go out with friends for the social experience, but eat beforehand or get something small. People will totally understand if you said you already ate or you’re trying to save money! Limit yourself to a few eat-out meals a week.

✰ Alcohol can be just as bad as food when it comes to gaining weight. Limit your alcohol consumption and avoid high-calorie/sugary drinks as mixers. Drink water in between each drink to fill you up and help avoid a hangover. Prepare your drunk-self something decent to eat, because you know you’re going to have the munchies when you get home.

✰ Make sure to move each day. Sometimes busy students can get enough movement just by walking around campus to all of their classes. However, if you find yourself stationary for long periods of time, schedule in walks or workouts.

Read more about fitness here.

Those are my tips for how to stay healthy in college! Remember, “healthy” is different for each person. It’s all about maintaining a balance of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

If you found these tips helpful or have some of your own to share, leave a comment down below. Don’t forget to subscribe to my mailing list to get updates on when I upload (no spam!). Lots of love x

reese regan


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